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December 26th 2024 - 17:46

Thread #111

vadar has no photo

by: vadar
June 16th, 2004
Navigation Lights study page
   My name is Randy Laws and I am a retired U.S. Navy officer (CDR) and I currently teach in the Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) Program at Robert Service High School in Anchorage Alaska.  As a part of the Naval Science courses we teach in the program, we instruct on the Nautical Rules of the Road and running lights.  You site has some particularly good illustrations of various light patterns that might be seen at night and describes what situation they would indicate.  The entire site is very well done and I have used it to help prepare for my lessons.

   With your permission, I would like to use the graphics you display on your Navigation Lights page to help my Cadets better understand the rules.  I currently use Hot Potatoes software to create web-based interactive lessons and exercises to better engage the students, and I have designed a matching exercise and a flash-card review exercise to aid them in recognizing these light patterns.  Here are the links to the two exercises I have constructed:

Flash Card Exercise:  http://www.njrotc.org/test/Navlights/NavLightsFlash.htm

Lights Matching Quiz:  http://www.njrotc.org/test/Navlights/NavLightsQuiz.htm

   I will not link to these exercises from my main academic page unless/until I get your permission to do so.  My academic site is free and open to the public and we do not profit in any way from it.  It is designed to help NJROTC students around the world in the course of their Naval Science academic study.  I can also email to you, free of charge, these exercises and I can even make minor modifications to them if you would like me to if you should want to post them on your server or link to them.  Just let me know.

   Thanks again for your useful and informative site.  Iīll be hoping to hear back from you soon. I tried to email via the [email protected] address but it came back as undeliverable.

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
June 21st, 2004
Re: Navigation Lights study page
Iīll check why the email isnīt working...

Please feel free to put in the link - looks like a great little package, and Iīm glad if our material will help out (thanks for asking!)

Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker
vadar has no photo

by: vadar
June 21st, 2004
Re: Navigation Lights study page
Thanks Scott,
Iīve posted them to my site and have already had some good comments.  I appreciate your letting us use the images to help educate our kids.

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