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March 11th 2025 - 21:28

Thread #225

Portrait for kpbosun

by: kpbosun
February 19th, 2006
Busy time...
Itīs been a busy time for us - thus the lack of posts to the log - but all is well! The weekend was profoundly useful as we met to define the specs for the CCGA FRC Simulator (imagine a flight simulator for fast responce rescue vessels)

It was a bit exhusting (as usual) with 12 hour days throughout but we accomplished loads. There are two components to this - an online simulator and the full simulator. The online one is mainly just for simple electronic navigation functions and is nearing completion. The full simulator will be quite the piece of machinery once itīs done (in about a yearīs time)

In other news, Kellei is back from Mexico (yeah!) and we are busy aligning ducks for our wedding in July. In fact, we are out all day today getting photographed by the local paper as we troup around town looking at the various merchants (a promo stunt for their annual wedding planner)
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Portrait for kpbosun

by: kpbosun
February 18th, 2006
Comments about Busy time...
Not exactly FRC stuff, but my room mate at the USMMA wrote this book.
If you read his bio you will see that he has extensive experience with simulators. Have you seen the book? There is a section about taking on and releasing pilots from small craft at the off shore bar as part of the text.
The book has become a bit of a standard in the industry.
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
February 19th, 2006
Busy time...
No, I donīt know that one - but thatīs probably mainly due to my experience being restricted mainly to smaller vessels in coastal voyages. Sounds interesting none the less ;)
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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