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March 11th 2025 - 21:32

Thread #233

Portrait for kpbosun

by: kpbosun
May 10th, 2006
Radio Shack, The
After the new radio and antennas there was a bit of rigging to complete to get the whole system up and running the way I want it. After a few hours work today - Iīm met most of my goals...

Iīm, pretty busy with work at the moment - so I have been fitting this in when I need a break, time to think, etc...

The plan was to get the VHF, GPS, and Nobeltec on the PC all talking to that when a DSC comes in Iīll get a plot on the chart - I got 75% of that working ;)

The GPS is just a little hand help Garmin eTrex Vista, and I never bought the power adaptor for it - but no worries I rigged it using a single filament of wire-wrap wite taped in place (the make the contacts flat to prevent this I believe) anyway with that set-up I can now leave it on all the time using an AC power source (currently a variable lab power supply - but Iīll find a 3V wall wort soon)

I then created a custom cable for the output of the data adaptor (which I did have) and got that into the NEMA input for my new VHF - bingo - Lat/Long on the GPS and a URGENCY DSC came in within 2 hours of that working (vessel aground in Agamemnon Channel)

Next, I was hoping to use the VHFīs NEMA out as a repeater for the NEMA from the GPS - but unfortunately the VHF only transmits NEMA when there is a DSC Distress Alert - not all the time :( so Iīll eventually need to rig a second serial port into my PC to get the DSC alerts. For now I just spliced into the NEMA from the GPS and have that going into Nobeltec - just to give it a signal and prove the concept.

So iīm happy for the moment - and ready to watch what happens as sun continues to bring out the boaters... should be an interesting summer.
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Portrait for kpbosun

by: kpbosun
April 13th, 2006
Comments about Radio Shack, The
I thought that I was busy the other night shortening my sons radar cables and reconnecting the adapters. I trust that your future LB enjoys helping you with this stuff. I had the impression that you had a pretty busy summer on the books all ready. Best wishes to you both, KPBosun
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
May 10th, 2006
Radio Shack, The
Thankfully she does ;) as she puts it - she isnīt a geek - but she is learning to become one.

Sorry it takes me so long to respond to these sometimes - I really must add a notification email to the news comments - the forum currently dosenīt issue an email for new comments only for direct forum posts - I need to change that ;)
Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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