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March 11th 2025 - 21:19

Thread #238

Portrait for kpbosun

by: kpbosun
May 12th, 2006
How Busy is Busy...
Wow, life has become hectic... thus the one month hiatus from the log! but things are settling to the pooint where at least I have some idea of the schedule...

For Kellei and I, life is normally a but nuts. With all the different things we are involved with - it can get so busy at times that we don´t even know which end is up. But at least for the moment... it looks as though we can at least find some time for some oxygen intake.

A summary of recent events may be more approperiate the trying to tell the story of all of it - at least so I can get caught up:

Kellei has passed her RHIOT On The Water Evaluation so she will be leaving for RHIOT on May 16th
Because of the above we have been training in every spare moment.
Purchased and put up a new antenna (the highest) and our radio reception/reach has improved yet again.
Bought a pressure washer and have started a real effort to clean-up our "grounds"
Started designs for the roof for the house in the back (remember, the one that burnt down)
Started designs for the deck we hope to build after our wedding.
I got back into HAM Radio a bit and have been checking-in with the local club for their net´s
Kellei has been working down in Roberts Creek (day and night) on a feature film called Mimzy.
The Posters for the Wooden Boat Festival are off at the printers
Been adding loads of functions etc to the SAR Management System which continues to be a resounding success.
Got a new EPIRB for the CCGA Vessel and went through the Beacon registration process.
Are about to order new SAR Dry Suits also for CCGA - these will be made to measure for some of the members in out unit that wear them all the time.
Fixed an old RF Datum Marker Buoy from our CCGA Unit and am looking for a good Direction Finding rig to test it out.

I´m sure there is more - but at the moment that´s all I can remember... as I said - it´s been a bit nuts!  I´ll try to keep better up to date here now.

PS: About the photo - I found this a while back and just had to find a reason to post it - since I couldn´t find a good one - I´m posting it anyway ;)
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Portrait for kpbosun

by: kpbosun
May 12th, 2006
Comments about How Busy is Busy...
re - the picture
After going only to the tropics for a couple years we made a late fall Great Lakes run. Not nearly the ice shown in the picture, but paint up to a quarter inch thick came off in sheets on exposed surfaces everywhere. Steel has a bigger expansion coefficient than dry paint so the cold caused massive separation. We had our work cut out for us for the whole trip south. I did not think to take a picture. I wish now that I had done so.
Is a discussion of metacentric height in order? ;<)
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
May 13th, 2006
How Busy is Busy...
Iīll second the metacentric height idea! actually itīs why I kept this picture. Iīm not sure of itīs source - but when Iīm training people about vessel stability (and usually these are FRC Boat Drivers) they tend to shrug off the "ice" being a factor... then I flash up this shot and they "get the picture" ;)

Fair Winds
 - and watch for squals from leeward

Scott W. Baker

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