Robertson II 1990 (SMU Trip)
My Gr. 11 year at St. Michaels in Victoria - I was fortunate enough to get a crew cabin on the Robby for my final 5 day school trip!
A good day sailing
Right on the first day - we had smashing wind and a beautiful sunny day
A good day sailing
Right on the first day - we had smashing wind and a beautiful sunny day
All good sailing must eventually come to an end (er furl)
Dory Race - 3rd Place
notice the not quite syncronous oars
Dory Race - 2nd Place
ok - perhaps these guys were even less in sync!
Dory Race - 1st Place (the crew of course)
well, perhaps it was a foregone conclusion
Crew Skit: Dotty, Dave and the drop...
This was a crew skit (I dodnīt remember exactly the story) that got waaay out of hand...
Skipper Dave - enter stage center...
Crew Skit: Dotty, Dave and the drop...
I believe Dotty and Dave were supposed to be in some kind of restaurant...
Dotty - also enter stage center...
Crew Skit: Dotty, Dave and the drop...
Things start to go squiffy
Dotty - jump on table stage center...
Crew Skit: Dotty, Dave and the drop...
um Dave, the script says DIP Dotty, not DROP her!
Dave Drop Dotty stage left...
The Mayhem continues...
After the crew skit the only solution was to start reciting Monty Python
Stairway To Heaven
After much practise... finally, someting to settle things
Or perhaps a song...
With about 50% of the people on board being members of the school choir - this was also a foregone conclusion
And a solo..
More singing
But, we canīt let things get too sedate
One of my favorite skits (Iīm the one on the right)
Dancing on Deck
A wee hornpipe perhaps?
Dancing on Deck
A wee hornpipe perhaps?
Dancing on Deck
A wee hornpipe perhaps?