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Photo Gallery => gallery => album => sorttype

Album Sort Type

Controls how images will be sorted in the album.

The options are:

By Date (Newest First): Shows images in order based on the date that they were last modified. With the images that have been modified more recently at the top of the list. Any new images that are uploaded will appear first.

By Date (Newest Last): Shows images in order based on the date that they were last modified. With the images that have been modified more recently at the end of the list. Any new images that are uploaded will appear last.

By Sortkey: Each image has a numeric ´sortkey´ setting that is used to sort the images. Images will be displayed starting with the lowest numbers and proceeding to the highest. If two images have the same number then they are arranged in the order in which they were created in the system (newest last)
See also:  gallery_item_sortkey
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