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General => images

XDe Image Uploades

All images uploades are automated, to some extent, by the system.

The Rules

  • Images must not be larger then 2Mb in file size (unless otherwise specified by the site administrator)
  • Images must be in a format understood by the web server (usually JPEG is the best format and most web servers will also understand GIF and PNG as well) Word files (.doc) and Acrobat PDF (.pdf) files are NOT images

Beyond that - the system will automatically re-size the uploaded image and create any thumbnails necessary as defined by the site administrators and the area for which the imnage is being uploaded.

To upload an image

  1. Click the browse button next to the image field on the form.
  2. Choos an image from your local computerīs hard drive that conforms to the rules mentioned above
  3. Finish filling out the form and click the add/submit/update button (as applicable)

If the image is large and/or your internet connection is slow it make take up to 2-3 minutes for the form to process - please wait, if there was any error an error message will be displayed.

If you are having difficulty - be sure to make note of the error message before contacting a site administrator.
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