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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
March 31st 2025 - 15:26
January 7th, 2006
January 7th, 2006

Connected and Covered

Today I´m feeling a bit more in-tune then I have... the new system is running correctly and I have a 40´ tarp on my leaking roof... all is well (or better at least)

We had been planning a new roof for the spring - but yesterday night it started to leak - we though it would Hold out the winter - I guess not. So now we have a 30´x40´ tarp afixed to the west side of our roof and are expecting several quotes to come in next week. We are still wearing smiles though - as so many other things are still going well in life...

On the work side - the new computer is Starting to buzz along happily - and I´m finally getting things done - which is good as I´m almost a month behind after About 2 weeks of down-time.

So, today - it´s Back to the Coast Guard Boat for training... which is what I always recommend with things at home are falling apart and you don´t really have time for it! ;) get out that and do something completely different - which is precisely what I plan on doing!

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