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October 18th 2024 - 02:41
August 26th, 2005
August 26th, 2005

Returning to normal

Skookumchuck Rapids - from the air
Skookumchuck Rapids - from the air
The photo is actually from up Sechelt Inlet near the Skookumchuck rapids - thatīs basically where Kellei and I were diving the day of the fire. In terms of the fire things are moving along - still no definite on the cause - but they are pretty sure it was either a faulty or overloaded powerbar.

Yesterday was uplifting - the lady that had all her worldly possessions stored in the garage came by to get what she could. Her face when the garage door was opened to reveal that effectively her possessions (including family photos etc) were relatively untouched made my day. They will be coming Back today because there didnīt have enough space to get it all yesterday - it was wonderful - there were so happy.

In other news our new Coast Guard Auxiliary vessel passed her inspection yesterday and we are formally Back "in-service" now. We have been without a Boat since late June - and Iīm desperate to get out and get some more training in. The best part of yesterday was our trip to the fuel Dock - we hadnīt refueled the Boat since we brought it Back from Delta - that 3.5 hour trip along with some rides and the trip yesterday would easily have taken 250-300L of fuel in the old Boat - only took 105L in this one - WOW! With Current gas prices, sheīll pay for herself in no time.

Finally there is my looking Business trip to Oklahoma - ya thatīs right... īWhat is a sailor like you doing going to a place like thatī you may ask... well they are paying me to do it. Itīs Back, for a week anyway, to my old telecommunications engineering consulting life to help out an old customer. It should be interesting - Iīll do my best to keep up with the Log when Iīm there.

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