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March 30th 2025 - 19:00
February 10th, 2006
February 10th, 2006


Prototyle console for the SARSim
Prototyle console for the SARSim
Well, Iīm off to Victoria _again_ for more CCGA meetings - this time centered on the new Fast Response Craft simulator project they have in the works.

If it all works as it should it will be a one-of-a-kind new tool for training rescue crews - and should generate world interest. The system is broken into several components including, on=line NET (Navigational Equipment Trainer) SAR school - which is a classroom based training, and FRCSim which is the full mission simulator (thing physical mock-up of a Boat and 14ī projection screens!

see http://www.ccga-pacific.org/frcsim/ for a promo.

Sounds cool - weīll see how it flys when itīs done. In any regard - Iīll probably be away from the blog for a few days - but the best news is that I get to pick up Kellei on the way Back through Vancouver (yeah!)

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