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October 18th 2024 - 03:26
May 9th, 2006
May 9th, 2006

Sketchup for fun and profit

Simple Sketchup model of our Planned Utility Building
Simple Sketchup model of our Planned Utility Building
The latest from Google... Sketchup (well they bought it anyway) looks like another winner to me... Within 4 hours I was able to learn how to use it and create an accurate scale 3D model of our planned rennovation for the burned house in the Back...

http://sketchup.google.com/ is the latest little toy Google has made available. Itīs a really simple 3D modeling application that is well suited for creating something to use for showing an idea or concept to others quickly. Seemed ideal for me to model the planned rennovations for our house in the Back (remember the one that burned down?)

Anyway I grabbed a copy and within About 4 hours had created the model shown. I actually went on to model the entire Back Yard - which is going to help us greatly in designing our decks and landscaping (we have more plans then time or money as usual) but being able to visualize it certainly helps!

So I share with you this new little tool and hope you find is useful!

More Images

Entire Backyard model (view 1)
Entire Backyard model (view 1)
Entire Backyard model (view 2)
Entire Backyard model (view 2)

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