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October 18th 2024 - 02:42
June 27th, 2006
June 27th, 2006

Blu-Ray DVD Experiment

This is not about HD DVD
This is not about HD DVD
This blog entry actually has nothing to do with Blu-Ray DVD, HD-DVD or anything like new DVD Technology, ok well perhaps in a round-about way it does... Itīs actully an experiment to see what the Search Engines are currently up to...

As a web designer, these things interest me (ya I know, small minds) So I thought I would pick a Current "hot topic" and see what happens when I lace a Log entry with buzzwords from the latest craze. The technology match-up between Blu-Ray DVD and HD DVD formats seems a likley choice.

It should be slightly more interesting from my perspective because this web site has nothing to do with this type of technology. So itīs all categorized based on Marine-type keys. This single entry About the DVD and media technology "stuff" will need to be taken "out-of-context" as it were, and Iīm curious to know how that will rank.

Personally, Iīm not really into either format yet - experience has always shown that which format is better really dosenīt matter - just which one wins. So Iīll wait for that, and let the prices drop over time before Iīll jump into that pool.

In either regard - Iīll give this a few days and give you the results of this little experiment as soon as I have some data About it.

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