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January 27th 2025 - 19:32
February 11th, 2007
February 11th, 2007

Ding Dong the Clippy´s Dead!

R.I.P. (Rot In Pieces) Clippy
R.I.P. (Rot In Pieces) Clippy
Pretty much from the start most everyone hated Clippy - the useless and annoying MS Office assistant. I guess that is why it took Micro$oft a decade to realize that they could help cut down the bloat that is Office by nixing it...???

For those that haven´t heard they have finally decided to remove it from Office. I find it kind of funny actually - Clippy has been widely ridiculed for years and  even banned from some corporate installs, not only because it was so annoying but also because it wasted so much time by provided mostly useless "advice". I personally always excluded it from install. So why did it take a decade for them to realize to ditch the smarmy paper clip.

Ah well - I suppose we need not worry About the why - but rather relish in the fact that progress has been made. It does raise a fear though. Since Clippy was, by all accounts, an obvious failure and something that should have been killed off years ago, what does that mean for the items in their software that still need to be fixed but are not as completely obvious? Must we wait 20 years for those?


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