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March 30th 2025 - 19:00
February 17th, 2007
February 17th, 2007

Algae Drunkenness

Some of the attempts of spammers to get past my spam filters are fairly oblique. Today, one that did get through had the subject "Algae Drunkenness" This lead me to begin to think of what exactly drunk algae would do, that is once I got past the chuckle of how algae would get drunk in the first place...

Questions abound...
What does drunk algae do?
How does one even tell if algae is drunk?
Have I misinterpreted the whole thing and did the spammer really mean getting drunk as a human by drinking too much of some kind of algae!???

ehm.. On a more serious note, We spent most of the day putting up our other new set of doors in the bedroom (to replace our sliding door that was so bad it rattled in the wind) This set went in much better then the last - with nothing in terms of unforeseen problems except a slight alignment problem of the jam - but nothing serious.

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