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October 18th 2024 - 03:24
September 13th, 2005
September 13th, 2005

ISAR Looms

Isar 2005 - Halifax Harbour
Isar 2005 - Halifax Harbour
Our ability to prepare for ISAR in 2 weeks was drastically simplified by the updates to the competition web site sometime last week. The whole team has been checking the site for several months now and they finally posted the schedule and event descriptions - at least now we know if we have been studying the right stuff.

All in all there are no huge surprises - you can have a look on the official site here: http://www.ccga-gcac.org/isar2005/english/home/index.asp Since Iīm the captian of the team Iīll certainly be on team #10 - weīre still waiting to see if Kellei gets to say with me or is the one randomly picked to go to one of the can-am teams (I really hope not)

Anyway - they did confirm that we will be using CCG FRC vessel during the on-the-water - which is huge for us as it means we will be in the same type of vessel we are used to (well, probably not as spiffy as out new one) The also confirmed that the SAR planning will be for search - we guessed that, and gave some insight into the two "mystery events" leaving us with a small amount of reading: http://www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/sar/nsm-msn/ichapter_05_e.htm for one of the two and nothing more then a Doctor Seuss quote for the other (you can find that one yourself!)

I did manage to go out training for an hour in our vessel last night with one of the other Coxswains (Kellei was busy at home) It was a good evening session - but unfortunately it highlighted several problems with the new vessel that we need to deal with - growing pains - but it felt good to go out at night for the first time in a while.

 - well, itīs Back to the charts and books, and computer, and oh well - suffice to say, Iīm still really busy.

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