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March 30th 2025 - 19:06
June 3rd, 2008
June 3rd, 2008

Mountain Biking, Web Hosting, First Aid, and Explosions

What do mountain bike races, web hosting, first aid, and explosions have in common - well, last weekend for me anyway...

Kellei was the official first aid attendant for the Sunshine Coast Rat Race this past weekend and I was along for the "ride" (I was the official assistant) it was quite a busy and tiring weekend - with Saturday being filled with minor cuts and bumps after the cross country race and then Sunday including the full, carry injured rider out on spine Board along with EMS experience. (I bet you thought the explosion and first aid topics were related...)

Actually itīs the Web Hosting and Explosions that fit together! There was a massive power explosion at the data center that runs the DNS for this web site (and About 30 of my other customers) that took down the site and a that entire facility for most of the weekend. I had the fun task of playing with settings in the server to re-route the DNS to an alternate server and restore things after all the human first aid - this was just more of the digital variety...

Topped off with some coast guard training Monday night - Iīm pretty tired now :)

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