September 22nd, 2005
September 22nd, 2005
ISAR T-6 days
6 Days and counting (wish I could say that in the James Bond Voice of the evil maniacīs drone who always stands resolutely by the microphone while the empire is blowing up around him.I finally collected together all the information that we have a got it bound into a little book at the local copy-shop. Then we started studying through it.
The SAR seamanship manual rocks! Iīm not sure why it isnīt pushed a bit more within the Auxiliary - I know I certainly am going to - itīs loaded with useful information (well, useful for what we do anyway) dealing with a SAR incident from all aspects of the incident - following it through itīs stages and dealing with the actions of everyone involved - not just the SRU (Search and Rescue Unit = us) so thatīs been a great read. We are also practising knots and splicing - but that is pretty clean and quick now.
We may also be Heading out on the water today to help out another of the members in our unit train for an evaluation on Sunday - He is up to go to RHIOT school (they evaluate you before hand to ensure youīre ready both for RHIOT and to be a Coxswain) - you can read About my experiences last year at RHIOT for some background.
Finally there has been some time devoted to trip planning - we still donīt even have all our post-ISAR accommodations sorted - we know roughly where we are going though - certainly going to spend some time at the Coast Guard College in Sidney NS both to Check out that area and to visit with our friends who are currently studying there. We know we are going to return Halifax way before our return flight on the 6th - but apart from that - donīt really have it all mapped out.
Gotta do the Bay of Fundy thing - no self respecting lover of the sea could miss that.
Anyone have any suggestions - specifically for near Halifax and/or Sidney that are "Canīt Be Missed" places?
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