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Learn more about our "How to Tie Knots" DVD/CD
March 30th 2025 - 18:44
October 5th, 2005
October 5th, 2005

Halifax Citadel

Kellei holding the powder bucket
Kellei holding the powder bucket
Finding ourselves in Halifax for our last day in Nova Scotia we decided to take it easy and walk through the town taking in the sights. We started with the public gardens only 2 blocks from the hotel - which were beautiful and populated by many extra large mallard ducks (far larger then the Pacific Coast ones anyway)

After that relaxing jaunt we trekked up the hill (past striking CBC workers) to the Citadel a national historic site of Canada and the central point of the city of Halifax. We were not necessarily fascinated with the Citadel itself - but being history lovers it seemed a good visiting place and didnīt disappoint.

Army officers in period uniform are stationed around this historic fort and happily answer questions. We noticed mention of a noon gun on one of the sign boards and decided to slow our pace to ensure we were around for the event. Kellei even posed with the pair prepping the gun About 15 minutes before noon.

Getting a good position around 1145h the rest of the visitors gathered around us (it wasnīt very crowded but there were a few others) at About 3 minutes to twelve an elderly gentleman (whom we later learned was named Jack) slipped and fell - Kellei jumped into action (her first aid kit always in her bag) she helped him over to a bench that the uniformed staff provided and did a full assessment - he was fine apart from quite a few cuts and a nasty nose-bleed. All was well after Kellei and I assisted him along with one of the on-site commissionares. Pausing briefly to grab a photo of the firing of the gun - we got Jack bandaged up and on his way before sauntering Back down for a well deserved pint at a local eatery (which I should note we got on the house on account of our recent ISAR results)

Not too shabby for a final day...

Itīs off home tomorrow. As much as we have had a great time here in Nova Scotia, we are looking Forward to our return. Business, CCGA, and most importantly Wyatt (our dog) await upon our return - and we look Forward to the trip home - commencing at a slightly early 5am tomorrow local time.

īTill then Fair Winds...

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