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October 18th 2024 - 03:15
December 16th, 2005
December 16th, 2005

Marquita to the Rescue

MV Marquita
MV Marquita
Our lives seem to always be punctuated with spats of the frantic. Perhaps itīs the cosmic understanding that both Kellei and I are "involved" with search and rescue Iīm not sure but when "stuff" happens we always seem to be in the middle of it. Last night was no exception - and all we were doing was having a simple night at home...

It all started About 1630h when someone reported a Boat Adrift in Sechelt Inlet. Technically this is part of our coverage area and so we were paged code 2. Thankfully we have a member with his own Boat in the inlet (Brian who is also one of the founders of the Sunshine Coast Wooden Boat Festival) it takes us About an hour to get to the had of the inlet with the FRC so Brianīs Boat Marquita is usually a much better option - of Course yesterday he was in Gibsons at the time of the call - so... it was a close thing either way - but he was the one tasked to go. Now that sounds simple - but since the pagers had gone off the crews were already on their way to our Boat - the COxswain was Heading out to dinner having called me and I called Brain and then RCC to confirm he was en-route - so we sent out another page to stand-down the crews (lost? just wait - it gets better)

Then I get this phone call (while Iīm already on the phone relaying all this) from my mom saying Kellei (who had the pager and was half way to the Boat) has told her to call me (she was now stuck at the mall as Kellei had been driving)

Anyway Kellei then called and said she was on her way Back to get my mom - in the meanwhile the radio is going in the background with Comox MCTS issuing a broadcast About this same vessel Adrift because they hadnīt got the word that Brian was on his way yet.

Anyway there was a lul at this point which saw Kellei return home with my mom and shortly thereafter an ambulance drive up the street to one of our neighbours houses (not sure exactly what that was About but it added to the mayhem)

So now Brian is on the water and for some reson Comox MCTS and Marquita canīt really hear each other on the VHF radio - but of Course (being right in the middle with a good antenna) we can - so no we are relaying and calling Brian on the cell phone.

Now, my mom, Kellei, and I all in the office listening to the VHF and watching as my mom is slowly getting drawn into the incident. "Why am I nervous now!?" my mom finally exclaimed at one point - causing Kellei and I to both crack up as all of this is perfectly normal in our house...

Anyway - in the end the vessel Adrift was located (well done Brian) and he towed it Back to the Gov. Dock. Kellei and my mom went out to watch a play, and I got a bit more work done ...

see, nothing unusual here...

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