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March 30th 2025 - 18:50
December 29th, 2005
December 29th, 2005

Whatīs Up with the Weather

Many (and I mean MANY) web sites in Canada use the free Environment Canada weather flash to get a Current forecast and display it somewhere in their site. Since Christmas though, it hasnīt been working - and there seems to be no explanation why.

Youīll notice on several of my web sites there is just a white box where the weather should go (bummer!)

Anyway - Iīm trying to find out what is happening - my biggest fear is that they have discontinued it - but itīs still listed on their site: http://www.weatheroffice.pyr.ec.gc.ca/wxlink/index_e.asp

- most bewildering...

Anyway, if anyone knows what is going on - kindly let me know.

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