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September 7th 2024 - 16:45
December 20th, 2006
December 20th, 2006

New Look for the IMRF

Iīve been busy lately working on a web site for the International Maritime Rescue Federation mainly coding on the back-end, but yesterday I worked with their chair to create a new look for the site - and weīre both really happy with it...

We have been working on code that will allow all marine search and rescue groups around the world to be listed and interact (as you can guess most of this is already possible using XDe modules - Iīm just adding some new features) Some of the most recent changes to the XDe have been the result of this effort - such things as Multi-Lingual translations, more categories for users and enhanced user privacy options.

Anyway, we took a break from the listings yesterday to spruce up the main look and feel for the site - what do you think...

The IMRF seb site
The IMRF seb site
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