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June 25th 2024 - 19:51

2010 Trip 3 - Pacific Grace

tracking Pacific Grace: 7 recorded positions
Last Position:
50°15'36.00 N 125°17'31.20 W
  on August 2nd 2010 @ 12:35

Ship's Log:
After an uneventful night on the 31st we hoisted anchor and again turned north. Our destination was Teakerne Arm and Cassel Lake. Shortly after leaving Savary Island a light southerly wind came up which allowed us to set sail and keep sailing until reaching our anchorage near the waterfall that empties Cassel lake into the inlet. Our afternoon was spent sailing in company with the Pacific Swift and Alcyone, a schooner from Port Townsend. All three big schooners were quite a sight as they sailed wing on wing up into the Desolation Sound area. Being the larger vessel the Grace anchored first near the falls and then invited the Swift and Alcyone to raft up alongside. We spent the rest of the day with the Swift to starboard and the Alcyone to port as all the trainees made their way to the lake and falls to once again enjoy the warm fresh water. Last night both boats had mug up together playing games then all gathering in the hold of the Grace for a time of singing. This morning we were underway by 0700hrs to make the tide at Hole in the Wall narrows and then proceed to Newton Lake in Small inlet on Quadra Island. All are well as we move northward out of the congested traffic of early August in Desolation Sound.

Clear with light NW wind.

Pressure 1028
Wind NW15
Email processed: 2010-08-02 16:00:12

tall ships
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