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June 25th 2024 - 19:41

2010 Trip 3 - Pacific Grace

tracking Pacific Grace: 7 recorded positions
Last Position:
49°56'53.88 N 124°46'55.20 W
  on July 31st 2010 @ 11:55

Ship's Log:
It would be hard to beat the day we have all enjoyed today. We made a new stop on the way to Savary Island this trip. At 0630 this morning we dropped anchor in Quarry Bay on Nelson Island. Last trip we stopped in here on our way south and received a warm welcome from the locals along with the invite to try their nearby lake. Being short for time we promised to return during this trip to check the area out. Our reward was beyond all of our hopes. Finishing breakfast and clean up by 0900, dories were launched and everyone was off to find the lake. At the head of Quarry bay is a small stream marking the trail head to the lake and after a 15 minute walk through the filtered light of the forest we arrived at Quarry Lake. Within minutes everyone was in the water and everyone stayed in the water for the next hour or so. It was so warm and clear that really there was no reason to get out. We swam and gathered logs from the beach to challenge each other at the sport of log rolling and generally enjoyed the water and surrounding mountains which could be seen on the mainland beyond. Lunch was waiting for us at the boat upon return and with the strait being flat calm we motored up to Savary for the night. We have a unique group aboard this trip. Very early on (first afternoon) we noticed they began to spend all their time together enjoying each other and generally hanging out as a group. With this in mind we changed our normal program tonight and did something a little different. At 1900 we launched the dories again and went ashore to walk along the miles of white sand beach that Savary is so well known for. We as a crew were thrilled to watch the trainees as a group lazily make their way down the beach enjoying chatting, laughing and delighting in a sunset to rival all others. We have just returned to the boat for a treat from the cooks before heading to bed.  Everyone has the look of a "day well spent" on their faces, "filled" and there is a sense of peace about the Grace as our day comes to a close.

Hard to describe the wonder before us!


tall ships
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